Douglas Stephens, Liver Transplant Recipient

On my desk I have a sign that says, “There are two ways to live life….one as though nothing is a miracle, and the other as though everything is!” Not always in the middle of situations am I able to see life as miraculous, but upon reflection there is no doubt. The transplant process has been like this for me having gone through two liver transplants in 10 days and an artery replacement later that all took a toll on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

However here I am over four years out knowing that God’s overwhelming presence between transplants gave me the spiritual strength to endure. My wife, who never left my side, family, friends, my pastor, church, community, support groups and my work family lifted me up with their words, support and most of all their prayers. Miraculous, I think so.

Since receiving the gift of life I’ve been able to work, play golf, travel, attend musical festivals and sporting events, be with my church family and support group and to love and be loved by my family. I’ve been taught in order to keep something you have to give it away. I’ve been given opportunities to talk about organ donation by my pastor at church and their television ministry, our newspaper, social media, at my business and am looking forward to playing golf in the 2016 transplant games.

None of this would have been possible unless someone decided to be an organ donor. My donors and their families are in my prayers every single day. Be in someone’s prayers. Be part of the miracle, please register.

– Douglas Stephens, Liver Transplant Recipient